Monday, April 8th, Star of Kings

Jacob Tidmarsh
It was a cracker of a night at The Star of Kings on Monday. What a lovely crowd we had. First to make them laugh was the hilarious Elizabeth Easter and cat cafes to hairy sponge cake. It was then over to Karan Mehra who assured us all our concept of big weddings her in the UK is amateur hour at best compared to even small scale Indian nuptials. Stanislav Gunko then told us why he doesn’t drink, smoke or eat junk food: he’s determined to outlive Putin! Daire O’Connor then told us due to being the youngest of 7 he’s most likely a mistake. It was then over to Deniro B Stocks who’s neither top nor bottom, just an ex-mormon with a taste for floral shirts. After Auz was Luke Harrower, a man who may or may not have a Japanese schoolgirl outfit he regrets. Next was Radu Szasz and poisoned peanuts and psycho Barbies before Nick Gaughan confessed to having discovered he has an awkwardly recessive ginger gene. Closing the first half was the musical Marc Salmon who treated us to some song, fish finger comedy and the unrequited love of Brian May.
After the break we got off to a gloriously loopy start thanks to the one and only Dick Speed (aka James Watkins). Dick, and assistant Liz Easter, showed us just why 80’s game shows were such a hit. It was then over to Paul Little who’s new relationship is in that adorable finding-out-what-she-finds-annoying-about-you phase. After Paul was Alice Bennett who was once headhunted as a bouncer, which was actually one of the more genteel professions she’s been recommended for. Jacob Tidmarsh (pictured) then told us that he has some dance floor moves…so long as the dance floor is from the 1920’s. It was then over to Kenny Waterson, who’s from Australia, but can definitely read an English menu. We then had Martin Jeyes who let us in on a little know bit of UK law: did you know it was illegal to keep a squirrel as a pet? What did they do that was so bad!? The evening penultimate act was Ben Marciano. Ben left us wondering if Jesus really could make water into wine, would he have had 12 disciples or a 12 step program? Closing the show was the brilliant Phil Green. From 1980’s playground deathtraps to showbiz nepotism and the real T behind Goldilocks burglary, Phil had the room in stitches.
So that was a fun night. Headlining next Monday at The Star of Kings we have Arthur Mitchell and Pete Kinsella.